Half an hour from Chattanooga, but a world away from the traffic, SEQUATCHIE VALLEY is a cyclist's dream, with endless options for rolling low-traffic farm road exploration along with numerous challenging climbs!
The CYCLE SEQUATCHIE CENTURY & 3 MTN CHALLENGE offers the best of Sequatchie Valley with 4 base routes ranging from 15 to 80 miles, plus 3 optional climbs that give you up to 102 miles & 8,000 ft of climbing! We also have mixed-surface options for those looking for even more adventure!
The ride offers four base routes to choose from: 15, 35, 50 and 80 miles, all of which showcase the beautiful scenery of Sequatchie Valley on low-traffic roads. While the routes stay on the valley floor, they are anything but flat. Expect plenty of rolling hills that add up over time. (The 80-mile route has well over 4,000 feet of climbing made up of these short little hills!) On the bright side, the little hills offer even better views of the scenery. And of course, what goes up must come down, making each of the valley base routes a fun roller-coaster ride!
NEED MORE CHALLENGE? The base routes pass by three optional out & back climbs that go up the steep ridges that form the valley. And when we say "steep" we mean really steep, with grades consistently in the teens! Ranging from 2 to 5 miles, these may not be the longest climbs you'll ever do, but they will definitely stake a claim as some of the hardest, especially since these climbs are on narrow backroads with rough pavement. The 3 Mtn Challenge is for experienced cyclists only and not for the faint of heart. Those brave enough to take it on will be rewarded with stunning vistas and the satisfaction of conquering one of the hardest climbing challenges in the East! (We'll also reward you with prizes when you finish!)
NEED MORE VARIETY? If you want to really venture off the beaten path, we also offer three mixed-surface routes (40, 64 and 100 miles) that open up a side of Sequatchie Valley not seen by pure roadies. Containing multiple unpaved (or barely paved) sectors that make up roughly 20-25% of the total distance, the routes don't qualify as a proper gravel ride, but the point of the mixed-surface routes is not so much about the experience of riding gravel as it is about what these roads offer, i.e. hidden gems and amazing scenery available only to those willing to traverse roads unsuitable for skinny tires. As with the 3 Mtn Challenge, the mixed-surface routes are for experienced cyclists only. Also, like the 3 Mtn Challenge, those willing to take on the adventure will have prizes waiting for them when they finish!
Regardless of what distance you choose to ride, you'll be rewarded with a farm-to-table feast made from ingredients sourced right here in Sequatchie Valley. We'll also have homemade desserts, fresh apple cider from Wheelers Orchard, and craft beer from Sequatchie Valley and Chattanooga. And if you're not into farm-fresh veggies, you can use your meal ticket for a burger or brat at the Oktoberfest grill instead. In addition to the food and beer, Dunlap's Oktoberfest will also have a variety of live music, games, and a packed vendor expo. So bring your folding chairs and stick around into the evening as the party will go on well after the ride's over!
The party actually starts before the ride, with Oktoberfest kicking off with live music, food & beer Friday evening, October 4th! We'll also have the Speed Trap sprint contest Friday afternoon, with cyclists taking turns sprinting past the radar sign to see who can clock the fastest speed. Prizes will be awarded to the fastest sprinters, and participation in the sprint contest is FREE, with no registration required. Just show up and take as many turns as you'd like! EVERYONE who takes a turn will receive a free t-shirt & water bottle regardless of speed! We also have some short shakeout routes available on the ROUTES page for those of you interested in stretching your legs before Saturday's main event.